
2007 Joint Account Arts Council Award
Artbeat Allen & Overy - Winner
2005 Artbeat Allen & Overy - shortlisted.
1997 Winner of Wellcome Trust SCI-ART 1997 Competition.
Scientific partner Prof. Arthur Crisp.
‘Female Puberty and a Search for an Identity’.


2006 Kings School, Guterslosh, Germany.
2006 Artbeat.
2005/6 MRC. Galton Laboratories, London.
1999 MRC. Galton Laboratories, London.
1997/8 Atkinson Moreley Hospital, Wimbledon, London.


25th April 2007
British Pain Society Conference, Glasgow.
Paper: 'Body of Pain'.

29th & 30th June 2005
University of Wales, Cardiff.
Fragmented Figure Conference: Paper ‘Figuratively Speaking’.

September 1997
Wellcome Trust, London.
Sci-Art 97 Conference: Paper ‘Female Puberty and a Search for an Identity’.