The constant concerns in my work are those generated by the complexities of mind and body – ‘the reality’ beyond the scientifically measurable – which I attempt to explore through the intuitive processes of ‘art making’. Crucial to my practice whether in collaboration with others or working as an individual is direct reference to the human being – employing my own models, meeting and talking with patients in a clinical or therapeutic setting, is where I learn most about the subject matter.
This working methodology continues to evolve and develop in accordance with the requirements of, and my intuitive response to, the subject matter and this has been reflected in various exhibitions resulting from collaborations with scientists. For example, as an interchange between art and science initiated by the Wellcome Trust, I have had the privilege of meeting members of the scientific community. Resulting collaborations, either by invite or selection, between artists and scientists, have culminated in a series of exhibitions that have been shown at diverse venues around the country including prestigious medical institutions.